Under 18 Years of Age
Driver License: All applicants under the age of 18 applying for an Ohio driver license (except a motorized bicycle license) must complete Heights Driving School's approved driver education course. We offer the course at:
Local High Schools -call 440-449-3300 to find out if we offer it at your high school
21 office locations. Check class locations on this web page www.heightsdriving.com
Driver education conducted by the military which is considered the same as commercial driver training.
Motorcycle License or Endorsement: All applicants under the age of 18 applying for a motorcycle operator's endorsement or license must present satisfactory evidence of having completed the course of instruction in the motorcycle safety and education program approved by the Director of the Ohio Department of Public Safety.
The driver education certificate must be presented to the examiner when appearing to take the driving (skills) portion of the test.
You must call us (440-449-3300) after you have finished all the classroom and driving in order for us to process your certificate. By law you can only pick up a certificate at our Richmond Hts. office.
Out of state resident under 18 applying for Ohio license. See Non-Ohio Driver Education Certificate.